Friday, December 9, 2011

Bleeding Love

This week in class we discussed divorce. I really appreciated that Bro. Williams had his wife come in and answer some of our questions. I hadn't really ever thought about how difficult it can be to blend a family, even if the children are young. There can be prejudice from the grandparents, either side, and of course hostility from the children. However Brother Williams has shown us that it is possible, it can be difficult, but it is possible and worth it. I also learned how things can get so messy with divorce, and that if you can work it out, you definitely should. Divorce certainly is not the easy way out like Hollywood makes it out to be. Even remarriage after the death of a spouse. There are so many relationships involved and it can be really damaging to everyone involved, especially the children. So what I mainly got out of this week is to rely on the Lord and try your best to follow his council.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time to Pretend

Parenting Teenagers! Yikes!!! No thank you. That is something I never want to do! But I guess it is necessary. This week we watched some great videos about parenting a teenager. One clip really stood out to me about the way we talk to each other. In the video it showed a girl sitting on the couch and listening to music. Her mom came in and just started yelling at her. Then they showed the situation reversed of the mother sitting on the couch and the girl coming in and yelling at the mom being demanding and saying basically the same things the mom said in the previous clip. This really left an impact on me. Sometimes we think that things are ok because we are the adult but it absolutely is not. This video showed a lot of good ways to talk with your children so that they will respect you and will be willing to come to you if needed.

I feel Better

Happy Thanksgiving a week late! This is for last week. This week we discussed financial planning. Yikes! I must say I am the worst at it, and I have a severe shopping problem! I was so motivated to change that during class I actually planned out a budget. Even though I am not married at this time I know that it is important of getting into this habit of managing money. It hasn't worked perfect yet but I am becoming more aware of how much money I waste every day. I can see how money is a huge problem in marriages and is a big source of fighting. However it doesn't have to be. When we work together and try to plan things out, as well as save money, it can just become a way of life. I also liked the story that Alexandra told in class about buying a computer and how she could of got the really nice one, and her husband would of bought it, but they couldn't really afford it and he respected her more for walking away.

Poison and Wine

Sorry I have forgotten to write a blog the last two weeks! This is for November 14. This week we read an interesting article by Elder Ballard about councils. I thought it was so interesting how most of the time we don't do the church council the right way. When I was on my mission we sat in a lot of ward council meetings and PEC. And some of them I felt really did do it like this but most of them did not. There was one meeting in particular I remember where the spirit was so strong and ideas were just flowing back and forth in the room it was so cool. From that experience I can see how it should go and that the spirit is what is going to help the most. I also had experiences where nothing really got accomplished and that meeting truly was a waste of time.