Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some People Have Real Problems- Family Crisis


Ghosts N' Stuff

Family Crisis! Yikes sounds stressful, well it is. We have been discussing this topic this week in class and I have learned alot. There are so many ways to deal with crisis, and I have learned you can either gain something positive from it or let it pull you down. A major crisis that we have had in our family is that my dad has cancer. At first, the majority of the kids pulled away from everything especially each other. We all dealt with it in our own ways, but know looking back at it I can see that now this experience has brought us closer. We still aren't as close as we could be but things are definitely better. That experiences has also really benefited my life personally, and I can see the growth that has come from it. For the most part in the beginning I can see that a lot of us dealt with it in an avoidance pattern of copping. However it has all turned out for good.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Have a Little Faith In Me

So this week in class we have been discussing marital intimacy and adultery. Today in class my eyes were opened to a lot of things. At first after reading the assignment I decided I never wanted to get married because it is just scary. But I did learn some interesting things about after an affair. That there is hope and that that act isn't the end of the marriage, it can be salvaged. We also talked about other things like emotional affairs and not telling people too much negative about your spouse because it can taint there idea of that person forever. We should keep our relationships within our relationship. We also talked about pornography and Bro. Williams said something so profound. He said that we are all affected by pornography in some way whether it be visually, music, books, or whatever. Anything that is sexually stimulating even just a little is pornography. It really made me think about some of the music I listen to and why it may not be uplifting. But the moral of the story is, try your best, trust the Lord, and and talk to your spouse not others.